Helping Robots.

Japan has invented some of awesome things, Playstations, sushi, samurai's, and SNES. But nothing compare to the Actroid-F.

It can do human like movements with almost human like movement. This includes face movements, gestures, speaking, and other movements. It
is truly a robot ahead of its time.

A Two Sided Future.

Will we in the long run become inhabited, and controlled by machines?

or will the world end up like this. People forever wired to a system. like in the words of stelarc," The dead, the near dead, the not yet born and the partially living exist simultaneously. And cryogenically preserved bodies await reanimation at some imagined future."

Artificial Hearts.

Are the words of Stelarc right? Will we no longer need our bodies?

The Future Of Mankind According Stelarc.

Unmanned Aviation.II

here is more detailed information on these unmanned air vehicles (UAV).

Unmanned Aviation.

The though of flight has fasinated people throughout history, But the personal dangers that most airmen in the military face today are crucial. From anti-aircraft, to guided missles, the battlefield remains a hostile enviornment.

From these dangers the MQ-9Reaper faces these risks alone with the pilot safe behind. The crew controls this military wonder behind via ground control center.

Star Wars and Prosthetics.II

Here is a video showing how a prosthetic limb can promise a giant leap in limb replacement.